Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists – Registrants

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Information Package: 2025 Registration Renewal Information Package


Step-by-step Videos in Mandarin: 

Student Registration

Full Registration

Dual Registration

The CCHPBC registration year for the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupunture Profession runs from April 1st to March 31st.  All registrations end on March 31 of each year. To ensure your continuous registration, you are required to renew your registration every year.

To be eligible for renewal of registration, a registrant must:

  1. complete and submit the Registration Renewal application online;
  2. pay the Annual Registration fee (Note: Registration fee is non-refundable);
  3. pay any other outstanding fee, debt or levy owed to the college; and
  4. attest that they are in compliance with the Health Professions Act, the regulations, the Bylaws, and is in compliance with any limits or conditions imposed under section 39(1)(c) of the Act.

Renewal of Registration in Various Registrant Classses

Full /Non-Practising Registration Renewal For current registrants who are R.Ac. / R.TCM.H. / R.TCM.P. / Dr.TCM

Student Registration RenewalFor current student registrants

Dual Registration RenewalFor current registrants who are holding both Full & Student Registrations

Registrants must renew on time no later than March 31 deadline every year to avoid interruption to their continuing registration.

When a Full Practising registrant fails to complete the renewal process and pay the registration renewal fee on or before March 31, they cease to be registered. A former Full Practising registrant may be eligible to apply for “Reinstatement to Full Registration” to practise in B.C., Canada. For the requirements, fees, and forms, please refer to the “Reinstatement” section below. Please pay attention in particular to the reinstatement requirements which are different depending on the duration of time being out of practice.

When a Non-Practising registrant fails to complete the renewal process and pay the registration renewal fee on or before March 31, they cease to be registered.  A former Non-Practisitng registrant may eligible to apply for “Reinstatement to Full Registration” to practise in B.C., Canada. For the requirements, fees, and forms, please refer to the “Reinstatement” section below. Please pay attention in particular to the reinstatement requirements which are different depending on the duration of time being out of practice.

When a student registrant fails to complete the renewal process and pay the registration renewal fee on or before March 31, they cease to be registered. A former student registrant may re-apply for Student Registration by submitting a NEW application including all the required documents with up-to-update information and payment of required fees to the College if they wish to become student registrant again. For the requirements, fees and forms, please refer to the “Become A Student Registrant” section here.

Former registrants are not eligible for registration renewal as they do not hold current valid registration with the College.If you are a former registrant and are interested to reinstate your registration with the College, please visit the “Reinstatement” section below for information.

Former Full Practising or Non-Practising Registrants whose registration is not suspended or cancelled under Part 3 of the Health Professions Act, may apply for “Reinstatement to Full Registration” to practise in B.C., Canada. For the requirements and fees, please refer to the “Reinstatement” section below.

Dual Registration Renewal

Dual Registration refers to when a registrant holds both professional (Full Practising or Non-Practising) registration and Student registration at the same time.

All registrations expire on March 31st. If seeking to continue registeration in both professional and Student Registrations is desired, a Dual registrant should renew both registrations. Current Dual Registrants may renew both their registrations together online through the Registrant Portal during the Renewal Period – from February 21, 2025 (Friday) to March 31, 2025 (Monday).

A Dual registrant may select to renew only the professional (Full Practising or Non-Practising) registration if they are NOT undertaking clinical training in a Traditional Chinese Medicine education program in B.C. after March 31st.

The College will send an email to current dual registrants in early February with a form. Please attach a completed “[TCM & Acupuncture] Student Registration Cancellation Request Form” in your reply to the email to the College if you ‘d like to only renew the professional registration (i.e. Full Practising / Non-Practising registration) and NOT renewing the Student registration.

Unless the College receives the completed request form, the default setting for dual registrants is for renewal of BOTH their professional registration and Student registration (i.e. Dual Renewal). Those dual registrants who have informed the College to cancel their Student registration will have their account adjusted for renewing professional registration only

DUAL registrants must be aware of the following:

  • You are clear of your own need for registration and ensure your registration(s) allow(s) you to practise and/or participate in clinical training in TCM program in recognized schools in the next registration year starting on April 1st. Please refer to the “Full / Non-Practising Registration Renewal” and “Student Registration Renewal” sections below for detailed information of the renewal of each type of registration.
  • Please make sure to know the consequences of not renewing any of your registrations by consulting the College website and email sent by the College to Dual registrants on February 10, 2025. The default is set for Dual registrants to renew BOTH of their registration(s) for the next registration year from April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026. Those Dual registrants who submitted requests to the College that they intend to cancel their Student registration for the next registration year should check that their account has been updated and hence the online renewal form is ready to allow them to renew their Professional registration only. During the last step of online renewal to pay registration renewal fee, please ensure only the registration fee(s) matching with the registration type(s) you are renewing are included in the invoice for payment. (Registration fee is non-refundable.) Contract if there are any concerns and/or questions regarding the renewal form and/or the invoice available for payment
  • By default, current “dual” registrants’ account is prepared with a renewal invoice which includes renewing BOTH the professional registration and the STUDENT registration. If you’d like your account to be adjusted to renew only the professional registration, please make sure to reply to the College’s email to dual registrants in early February with completing a registration cancellation request form.
  • Both completed renewal form and required renewal fees must be received by the College no later than March 31 this year.  Registration fees are non-refundable; only pay the fee for the registration that you wish to renew.

For continuous registration with no gaps in compliance, all registrants must ensure their fully completed renewal application and renewal registration fees are received by CCHPBC on or before March 31. We strongly recommend completing your registration before March 3, 2025.

After a Full or Non-Practising registrant cease to be registered due to failure to renew, they may apply for Reinstatement to Full Registration to practise in the province of British Columbia, Canada. For the requirements, fees, and forms, please refer to the the “Reinstatement” section below. Please note that only registrants with valid registration should practise the profession. When one ceases to be registered, one cannot practise until the registration has been reinstated.

After a Student registrant cease to be registered due to failure to renew, they may re-apply for Student Registration by submitting a NEW Student registration application to the College. This includes all the required application documents with up-to-date information and payment of the required fees. For the requirements, fees, and forms, please refer to the “Become a Student Registrant” section here. In order to receive your registration confirmation letter with card and/or student badge BEFORE your current one expires, please ensure your completed renewal application and all the required registration fees are received by CCHPBC by the first Monday of March (March 3rd, 2025).

Full / Non-Practising Registration Renewal

All Full /Non-Practising registrations expire on March 31st every year. To ensure your continuous registration, you are required to renew your registration every year prior to March 31. Current Full / Non-Practising registrants may renew online* through the Registrant Portal  during the Renewal Period – from February 21, 2025 (Friday) to March 31, 2025 (Monday).

To receive your registration confirmation letter with card BEFORE your current one expires, please submit your completed renewal application online and pay the required renewal fees by the first Monday of March (March 3rd, 2025).

Please note that for this year’s renewal, there is no registration seal (sticker) included in the package for registrants to display with their wall certificates, as under its bylaws CCHPBC no longer issues wall certificates. Registrants are no longer required to display the wall certificate with a valid registration seal to the public that they are registered. The “confirmation of registration renewal letter” can be used to confirm registration status with the College. The public and patients should also use the College’s Licence Verification Tool to verify the latest registration status of a current registered practitioner in the Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture profession.

*  If you have any other outstanding fee, debt or levy owed to the college (if applicable), please contact the College FIRST before renewing and paying registration renewal fee online.

Registration Renewal Fees and Receipt

Please refer to Schedule 1 of the College Bylaws for registration renewal fees that apply to registrants in the Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture profession.

Annual Full Registration Renewal Fees (non-refundable)         $850

Annual Non-Practising Registration Renewal Fees (non-refundable)        $425

After your payment is successfully processed, a receipt will be sent to you by email.  Please keep the receipt as a confirmation of payment in a safe place.

Registration Conditions of Full Registration Renewal

The College Bylaws states the requirements and conditions for registration renewal.

The College Bylaws includes the following three conditions of renewal, among other requirements, for Practising registrants:

Continuing Education (CE)

  • Schedule 15, Paragraph 1.1: Registrants in the Registrant classes of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture: Full, Limited, and Non-Practising must complete 50 hours of continuing education or the Quality Assurance Program approved by the Quality Assurance Committee in a 24-month period from the beginning of a fiscal year as determined by the Quality Assurance Committee.
  • For details of how to meet the Continuing Education (CE) Requirement in the College’s Quality Assurance Program, please refer to the Quality Assurance Program (QAP) section here.

Currency of Practice (CP)

  • A Registrant in the Registrant class of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture: Full must complete a cumulative total of 600 hours of professional service and/or practice during the 3 years immediately preceding registration renewal in order to maintain currency of practice.
  • “Professional service” (as identified in Schedule 11) means the provision of professional expertise in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture as defined in the Regulation in a health care delivery, education, research, and/or policy and regulation role that requires the knowledge and skills outlined in the Entry-Level Occupational Competency Profiles for TCM Practitioners, Acupuncturists, or Doctors of TCM.
  • Registrants are expected to meet this requirement by March 31, 2026.

Standard First Aid and CPR-C Certifications

  • Schedule 5, Paragraph [A full registrant is required to provide]…proof of current certification in standard first aid and Level C cardiopulmonary resuscitation or equivalent certification satisfactory to the Registration Committee.
  • The Standard First Aid and CPR-C certificate must be issued by one of the five national organizations: Canadian Red Cross, Canadian Ski Patrol, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Lifesaving Society, and St. John Ambulance.
  • New for 2025 – If a new first aid and/or CPR-C certification course has been completed since last renewal, registrant has the option to upload a copy of the certificate(s) while renewing their registration. (Please refer to the “Registrant File” information below of what kind of information should be kept in a “Registrant File” and what documents the College may request during an audit.

The renewal form includes declarations. By making “The Declaration for Practising Registrants Only”, a registrant affirm that they are compliant with the requirements of these bylaws – this includes providing “information regarding any criminal conviction or offence committed, past conduct involving the applicant’s incompetence or untrustworthiness, previous limits, restrictions, or conditions on the applicant’s practice that relate to the applicant’s competence or fitness to practise in a regulated profession that the applicant was or is registered in” (Schedule 5, Parapgraph; and “that all information and statements submitted are true, complete and correct” (Schedule 5, Parapgraph

Please keep your own “Registrant File” including your Continuing Education (CE), Currency of Practice (CP) records, current and valid Standard First Aid and CPR-C Certifications, and Professional Liability Insurance.  For details, please refer to “Maintaining a Registrant File” tab below. Each year, the College randomly selects a number of renewed registrants for audit.  If you are selected for an audit, you will receive a written request via e-mail/mail to:

  1. send in specific documents, or
  2. make an appointment for a site visit

Registration Conditions of Non-Practising Registration Renewal

  • Schedule 5, Paragraph 6.5 of the College Bylaws includes the following conditions of renewal, among other requirements, for Non-Practising (NP) registrants: [NP registrants are required to [be]…”in compliance with the continuing education requirements as set out in Schedule 15 [i.e. the samef continuing education (CE) requirements as the Full Practising registrants].
  • NP registrants are required to meet the Professional Liability Insurance requirement under Schedule 5, Paragraph 9.2 of the College Bylaws.

The renewal form includes declarations. By making “The Declaration for Non-Practising Registrants Only”, registrants affirm that they are compliant with the requirements of these bylaws. This includes a registrant affirming that they have “not and will not practise traditional Chinese medicine or acupuncture or provide professional service while holding non-practising registration since the last declaration” (Schedule 5, Paragraph; provides “information regarding any criminal conviction or offence committed, past conduct involving the applicant’s incompetence or untrustworthiness, previous limits, restrictions, or conditions on the applicant’s practice that relate to the applicant’s competence or fitness to practise in a regulated profession that the applicant was or is registered in” (Schedule 5, Paragraph; and  submits “all information and statements that are true, complete and correct” (Schedule 5, Paragraph

The Registrant File is helpful for ALL REGISTRANTS to maintain and readily provide documents to support meeting these college requirements when requested by the College. Please refer to the “Maintain a Registrant File” below for details.

Maintaining a Registrant File

Content of Registrant File

It is each registrant’s responsibility to maintain a record of supporting documents in their own Registrant File to demonstrate meeting the Conditions of Registration Renewal.

The Registrant File should include but not limited to the following documents:

Continuing Education

  • Continuing Competency Activity Log and other details of Continuing Education (CE) and Professional Development (PD) activities
  • (e., CE/PD Certificate, Official Confirmation with all CE /PD details, receipts, course brochures/descriptions, handouts and notes) to support completing a minimum of 50 continuing education hours per reporting period; The current reporting period is 2 years in length from the beginning of a registration year on April 1 until March 31 at the end of the registration year 2 years later;

Professional Service / Practice Hour Record

  • Full registrants should be ready to report that they meet the “Currency of Practice (CP)” continuation of registration requirement by March 31, 2026.
  • Acceptable Professional Service Hours can include:
    1. Practicing the profession with clients / patients by providing TCM / Acupuncture treatments;
    2. Providing in-person or virtual education and training to other registrants, students, and other health professionals;
    3. Supervising limited registrants or students;
    4. Providing profession-specific consulting, advisory, educational, or profession-specific counselling services to clients, families, and caregivers;
    5. Managing or administering profession-specific programs or services;
    6. Leading or participating in profession-specific research or academic writing;
    7. Leading or participating in professional activities that impact the practice of the profession (e.g., committee work);
    8. Performing regulatory, professional association, or policy development related to practising the profession;
    9. Teaching profession-specific courses;
    10. Professional activities that contribute and impact the practice of the profession.
  • The following are some examples of activities that are not acceptable:
    1. Providing undocumented services to friends and family or oneself;
    2. Clinical activities, educational activities, research work related to course assignments and assessments in a TCM training program;
    3. Hours during time as a limited registrant or a student registrant;
    4. Time spent to complete required courses and examinations (e.g., Jurisprudence Exam, Interactive Safety course, registration examinations).

*Dual registrants (i.e., registrants who are currently registered in full and student registrations simultaneously) can submit a request with explanation to the Registration Committee to extend meeting the Professional Service / Practice Hours requirement when enrolled in full time study.

**Limited registrants may have specific conditions to meet for the Registration Committee during their limited registration, and hence the same practice hours to satisfy supervised practice condition cannot be used simultaneously to meet practice hours for another registration requirement.

Proof of hours may take a variety of forms including, but not limited to:

  • record of employment
  • business records
  • billing information; or
  • a log of professional service / practice activities

Registrants may be audited for their professional service / practice hours. Please provide proof of hours upon request.

Professional Liability Insurance

  • Insurance policy or certificate

Criminal Record Check (CRC)

  • Record of the expiry date of your current CRC by CRRP
  • Registrants can refer to their Registrant Portal’s account online to check the current CRC Expiry Date on their College record.

Other Documents

  • Copies of all submitted application forms for initial registration, renewal, supporting documents, payment receipts and correspondences to/from the College.
  • Standard First Aid and CPR-C course descriptions and certificates awarded.

Change of Registration Class (From Full Registration to Non-Practising Registration Class)

Registration renewal is a process for current registrants to renew their current status and title. Hence, for example, only a current Non-Practising (NP) registrant can renew their NP registration, and a Full Practising registrant can only renewal their Full Practising registration.

If a current full registrant would like to apply to change to the Non-Practising Class, please follow the application process for “Change Registration Class”.  This application can be submitted any time during the registration year as it is separate from the registration renewal process.

Please note: A former Non-Practising or Full Practising registrant whose registration is not suspended or cancelled under Part 3 of the Act may directly apply for Reinstatement for Full Registration to practise in B.C., Canada in the same title they held before when they would like to re-register after March 31 or in later years.  For the requirements, fees and forms, please refer to the “Reinstatement” section below. Please make sure you understand the Reinstatement requirements.

Change of Registration Title

Registration renewal is a process for current registrants to renew their current title(s) and status. If you are holding Full Registration and wish to have your title changed, please submit a separate NEW registration application in respect to the new title with all the required documents and fees.

Please note that during registration renewal period, additional application processing time is required for the change of registration title. Please apply early. To ensure continuous registration, you are required to renew your registration by March 31.

Please refer to the “Change of Registration Title / Class” section below for further information

Failure to Renew Your Full / Non-Practising Registration on or before March 31st

Registration will be cancelled on April 1 when renewal process (i.e., completion of the renewal form and payment of registration fee) has not been completed by the deadline. When a former registrant’s registration is cancelled, the former registrant is no longer permitted (by law) to practice TCM and acupuncture in British Columbia, Canada or to represent oneself as a practitioner, or to use the titles granted by the College including full titles and abbreviations for R.Ac., R.TCM.H., R.TCM.P., Dr.TCM.

Former Full Practising or Non-Practising Registrants whose registration is not suspended or cancelled under Part 3 of the Act, may apply for “Reinstatement to Full Registration” to practise in B.C., Canada. For the requirements, fees and forms, please refer to the “Reinstatement” section below.

Former registrants are not eligible for registration renewal as they do not hold valid current registration with the College. If you are former registrants and are interested to reinstate your registration with the College, please visit the “Reinstatement” section below for more information.

Student Registration Renewal

All student registrations expire on March 31st.  If you are undertaking clinical training in a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) education program in B.C. after March 31st, you are required to renew your student registration to ensure your continuous registration.  Current student registrants may renew online* through the Registrant Portal during the Renewal Period – from February 21, 2025 (Friday) to March 31, 2025 (Monday).

To receive your student badge BEFORE your student registration expires, please submit your completed online renewal application and all the required documentations to the College by the first Monday of March (March 3rd, 2025).

*  If you have any other outstanding fee, debt or levy owed to the college (if applicable), please contact the College FIRST before renewing and paying registration renewal fee online.

Student Registration Renewal Fees & Receipt

Annual Student Registration Renewal Fees (non-refundable) $200

After your payment is successfully processed, a receipt will be sent to you by email.  Please keep the receipt as a confirmation of payment in a safe place for your record.


Instructions for Completing Student Registration Renewal

  1. Complete and submit the registration renewal application online in the Registrant Portal;
  2. When completing the online renewal form, confirm the name of your TCM school in your registrant record is correct and upload a portrait photo of you (a recent photo taken with 12 months and taken straight on with the face and shoulders centered and squared to the camera) for student badge;
  3. Pay the annual Student Registration fee online via the Registrant Portal;
  4. Keep the receipt as a confirmation of payment in a safe place for your record.

Application cannot be processed until all the required items are received by CCHPBC. To avoid delays, please complete the above steps as soon as possible. Otherwise, your student registration continuity with CCHPBC will be affected and you cannot continue with your clinical activity after March 31st.

Please ensure your TCM school provides the confirmation of your enrollment / standing in the TCM program at the school and the student clinic insurance information to the College prior to March 3, 2025.

When Student Registration Renewal is granted, the confirmation letter and student badge are sent to the school for distribution.  This is also to inform the school that a student is currently registered with CCHPBC in order to participate in clinical training at the TCM school.  Please ensure to renew early (by first Monday of March) in order to receive the renewal confirmation and the student badge by April 1st.

The renewal form includes declarations. By making “The Declaration for Student Registrants Only”, registrant affirm that they are compliant with the requirements of these bylaws. This includes the registrant providing “information regarding any criminal conviction or offence committed, past conduct involving the applicant’s incompetence or untrustworthiness, previous limits, restrictions, or conditions on the applicant’s practice that relate to the applicant’s competence or fitness to practise in a regulated profession that the applicant was or is registered in” (Schedule paragraph; providing “evidence of current enrolment as a student in an educational program specified in Table 1 [to Schedule 5] or an educational program otherwise approved by the registration committee (Schedule 5,”, and  submitting “all information and statements that are true, complete and correct” (Schedule 5,

Failure to Renew Your Student Registration on or before March 31st

Student registration will be cancelled on April 1st if the renewal process (i.e., completion of the renewal form and payment of registration fee) has not been completed by the deadline. When student registration is cancelled, a former student registrant no longer permitted (by law) to attend any TCM and acupuncture clinical training in British Columbia, Canada.  Clinical hours completed during time as a non-registered or a former student registrant ARE NOT recognized for exam/registration purposes.

Under the Bylaws after student registration is cancelled, student may apply for student registration again by submitting a NEW application including all the required documents with up-to-date information and fees (application fee and registration fee) to the College. The processing of a new student registration application will require additional time. To avoid any delay to holding valid Student registration, please renew your current Student registration as soon as possible during the Renewal period.

If a student changes their TCM program to a different school, the student is required to notify CCHPBC as soon as possible by submitting a [TCM and Acupuncture] School Transfer Application Form with all the required documents and items listed on the form. The process must be successfully completed before renewing the Student Registration online.

Student Registration in TCM and Acupuncture profession only allows for a student registrant to participate in clinical training courses in their TCM program at the recognized TCM school specified in their registrant record. All clinical training must be done under supervision of clinical instructors while enrolling in the specified educational program.


A former Full registrant or a Non-Practising registrant may apply to be restored to the full register according to the College Bylaws.  A former Full or Non-Practising registrant who ceased to be registered due to late payment of fees may also apply for reinstatement.  If applying within 3 months of their last registration, then the examination and course requirements do not apply.

Please note:

A former CCHPBC registrant, who currently holds full registration or licensure in another Canadian jurisdiction  as a practising registrant, and wishes to apply for full registration in BC to practise TCM / Acupuncture should refer to the “Practitioner Registered in Another Canadian Jurisdiction” for information about registration through the reciprocity process.

A former registrant who wishes to get back on the registry to become a full registrant

A former registrant, who wishes to reinstate to practising status, can submit the Former Full / NP Registrant Reinstatement to Full Registration Application Form. Application requirements and instructions can be found on the form. Please note that a valid Criminal Record Check (CRC) authorization is required.

Every reinstatement application to practising status will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Registration Committee. Requirements for an applicant to complete before approving to reinstate to full practising status vary for each applicant with consideration of the duration of time the non-practising registrant has been out of practice.  Some examples of requirements set by the Registration Committee include completion of examinations or courses, and completion of conditions such as supervised practice before reinstated to the full register.  Please refer to the College Bylaws for full details of the reinstatement requirements.

Change of Registration Title / Class

Change of Title

If you currently hold full registration (R.Ac./R.TCM.H./R.TCM.P.) with the College and wish to apply for another registration title, please follow the instructions applicable to your situation:

  • New Graduates – BC
  • New Graduates – Outside BC
  • Internationally Trained Practitioner

Change Registration Class

Current Full registrants may apply to change their registration class from Full to Non-Practising according to the College Bylaws.

Please Note:

  • A Non-practising registrant must not practice traditional Chinese medicine or acupuncture or provide professional service anywhere in British Columbia, Canada within the scope of practice as defined in Section 4 of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Regulation (Health Professions Act BC) and not provide, delegate, or supervise professional service or practise as specified in the Regulation in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.
  •  A Non-practising registrant is required to be insured against liability for negligence in an amount of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence in accordance with the Bylaws.
  •  A Non-practising registrant may apply to be reinstated to full practising status in accordance with the Bylaws.