Our Board

The Board is responsible for leading the College of Complementary Health Professionals of BC (CCHPBC) and for ensuring that the College fulfils its duties and objects set out in the Health Professions Act. Board members provide strategic leadership. They guide the organization’s direction, ensure necessary resources, and monitor performance to meet the College’s mandate. The Board and Registrar/CEO work together to ensure that CCHPBC fulfils its public protection role.

The Board consists of six registrant members (at least one member and not more than two members from each profession regulated by the College) and six public members (appointed by the Minister of Health). Members are selected so that collectively they bring diverse practice, lived experience, provincial geography, and professional skills to the table. Of the 12 Board members, the goal is to have at least two Indigenous members. 


  • Christopher Anderson
  • Kelly Fujibayashi
  • Elliot Mayhew
  • Jonathan Norton
  • Asa Tooshkenig
  • Jason Tutt

  • Benjamin Campbell
  • Harmohanjit Pandher
  • Allan Seckel (designated Board Chair)
  • Jocelyn Stanton
  • Terri Van Steinburg
  • Jacqueline Tarantino

Upcoming Board Meetings


Date & Time Location
Thursday, December 5, 2024
9 AM to 12:30 PM
Virtual Meeting
Friday, March 21, 2025
9 AM to 3:00 PM
CCHPBC Offices
900-200 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC
Thursday, June 19, 2025
9 AM to 12:30 PM
Virtual Meeting
Thursday, September 18, 2025
9 AM to 12:30 PM
CCHPBC Offices
900-200 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC

Attending Board Meetings

Members of the public are welcome to attend open in-person Board meetings as observers. To RSVP, please email ac.cbphcc@ofni at least 7 business days in advance of the meeting date. Please include your name and any accessibility requests in your email.

Virtual meetings are not open to observers. Members of the public may request recordings of open virtual meetings in writing. To request a recording, please email ac.cbphcc@ofni.

Our Committees

Committees play a vital role in helping the College achieve its mandate. CCHPBC has five regulatory committees and three board support committees. All of them are comprised public members and registrants of the different professions regulated by the College. Each committee has a matrix of collective skills, knowledge, and diversity that is ideal for its work.

Regulatory Committees

Regulatory committees are established under CCHPBC’s bylaws to help administer its core regulatory programs. Click on the boxes below to learn about the work of each committee and to review its terms of reference. 

Registration Commitee

  • Approves policies about granting registration and reinstatement.
  • Makes decisions on non-routine registration, renewal and reinstatement applications.
  • Develops and implements policy on registration and examination processes.
  • Develops and approves examination requirements.
  • Makes recommendations to the Board in relation to requirements for registration and certification under the bylaws.

    Registration Committee Terms of Reference

    Quality Assurance Committee

    • Defines the desired outcome for and principles of a quality assurance program that promotes the safe, ethical and competent practice of all registrants.
    • Provides advice to staff developing and administering quality assurance programs.
    • Assesses the professional performance of registrants; appoints assessors; and, conducts quality assurance audits to confirm compliance.
    • Refers matters to the Inquiry Committee when it considers doing so is necessary to protect the public.

      Quality Assurance Committee Terms of Reference

      Inquiry Committee

      • Reviews complaints or other information that could result in an investigation.
      • Oversees the investigation process and appoints inspectors.
      • When determined to be necessary to protect the public during an investigation, the Committee makes orders for interim action, including imposing limits or conditions, or a suspension of registration.
      • For complaints referred to the Committee, determines the outcome from the statutory options, including:
        • dismissal with no further action;
        • requesting remedial or disciplinary action by agreement; or
        • directing that a citation be issued for a hearing before the Discipline Committee. 

      Inquiry Committee Terms of Reference

      Discipline Committee

      • Conducts discipline hearings of citations referred by the Inquiry Committee.
      • Conducts permit revocation hearings with respect to health professions corporations (HPCs).
      • Considers findings or admissions of unprofessional conduct by registrants while practising in other jurisdictions.
      • When determined to be necessary to protect the public during a hearing, the Committee makes orders for interim actions, including imposing limits, conditions, or a suspension of registration.
      • Makes findings and determinations regarding the allegations in a citation. If allegations are proven, impose an appropriate penalty.
      • Provides written decisions.

        Discipline Committee Terms of Reference

          Professional Practice & Standards Advisory Committee

          • Advisory only. No statutory authority.
          • Provides advice and feedback to staff regarding developing practice and ethical standards and guidance.
          • Provids advice, feedback, and recommendations to the Board regarding which practice and ethical standards and guidance require Board approval.
          • Provides advice to the Board on any professional practice matter the Board requests.
          • Provides advice to staff regarding any professional practice matter the staff requests.
          • Provides an avenue for the Board and/or staff to seek advice from Indigenous registrants and members of the public on professional standards and practice issues related to Indigenous-specific racism in the healthcare system.

          Professional Practice & Standards Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

          Board Support Committees

          The following three committees help the Board with matters related to College governance. Click on the boxes below to learn about the work of each committee and to review its terms of reference. 

          Governance Committee

          • Recommends Committee appointments.
          • Identifies Board gaps.
          • Recommends governance policies.
          • Oversees governance evaluations.
          • Oversees learning of Board and Committee members.
          • Ensures governance of the college enables commitment to anti-racism and Indigenous cultural safety.

            Governance Committee Terms of Reference

            Finance & Audit Committee

            • Advises the Board on financial administration matters.
            • Recommends financial policies.
            • Oversees enterprise risk management process.
            • Oversees budget and make recommendations to the Board regarding fees.
            • Facilitates audit process.
            • Oversees the college’s investment portfolio.
            • Ensures the college’s finances enable commitment to anti-racism and Indigenous cultural safety.

            Finance & Audit Committee Terms of Reference

            Human Resources Committee

            • Oversees the Registrar and CEO performance and compensation reviews.
            • Oversees emergency and long-term Registrar and CEO succession planning.
            • Assists the Board in fulfilling its governance oversight responsibilities with respect to the College’s human resources.
            • Ensures the College’s strategic human resources policies align with diversity, equity, and inclusion principles and enable the College’s commitment to anti-racism and Indigenous cultural safety. 

            Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference